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For Ezekiel
I love to teach; you love to learn.
I move a knight; you move a pawn.
If you can wait, it will be your turn.
Impatience in your young mind churns,
The time between moves seems so long.
I love to teach; you love to learn.
I consider the board with false concern;
I want this time to go on and on.
If you can wait, it will be your turn.
For how many years will we return
to these games before they’re gone?
I love to teach; you love to learn,
When will come the time to adjourn,
As my moves weaken and yours grow strong?
If you can wait, it will be your turn,
That turning hour when we both discern
that now to you these words belong,
“If you can wait, it will be your turn.
I love to teach; you love to learn.”
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